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Single Wall White Disposable Paper Cups

Group White Single Wall Hot Paper Cup x6 300

Single wall disposable paper cups are traditionally made from cupboard, lined with a thin inner layer of polyethylene (PE) . The cupboard used in making the cups is derived from wood pulp, usually from sustainable sources. Manufactured in different sizes the range goes from 4oz, the ideal sampling cup, to 16oz, which is usually used for large hot drinks or milkshakes/smoothies. The 8oz and 12oz sizes are ideal sizes for teas and coffee.  An outer sleeve is recommended if the cup is being used for very hot drinks.

Sip Lids are also available for the 8oz, 12oz, and 16oz range of cups.

All these paper cups come packed in individual sleeves for maximum protection but we do recommend they are stored in a dry cool store.