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Your First Choice For Paper Cups, Lids & Takeaway Coffee Cups

Group White Single Wall Hot Paper Cup x6 300

Single Wall Paper Cups 4oz to 16oz

Group Brown Kraft Ripple Cups x5

Kraft Ripple Paper Cups 4oz to 16oz

compostable-water-cooler-paper-cups-banner 300

Compostable Paper Cups 4oz to 16oz

Group Sip Lids to Fit 8oz, 12oz and 16oz Cups 250

Sip Lids – 8oz, 12oz and 16oz Cups

Group 7.5oz Compostable Water Cooler Disposable Cups & Cup Holder

Water Cooler Compostable Cups & Holders

Group 4oz Biodegradable Paper Water Cooler Cones & Cone Holders

Water Cooler Biodegradable Cones & Holders

Paper Cups Online

If you’re looking for something a little more customised, be sure to take a look at our branded paper cups – these can be used to deliver your company’s message to your customers and simultaneously raise awareness of your business.

We have been supplying papers cups since 2007 to the “to go” market and we have developed an extensive range of products to meet the needs of our customers. You can buy from us single wall paper cups, double wall paper cups, ripple cups, and now we are adding compostable paper cups and lids to our range and we will over the coming year be replacing all our cups with this new range.

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Make Disposable Coffee Cups Compostable 768

Paper Cups & The Environment

Paper cups are now are an important part of life in the 21st century, but of late there has been a great deal of controversy on the effect upon the environment . Whether you’re walking to the bus stop in the morning with a cup of coffee, or stopping by your favourite eatery over your lunch break, paper cups are an indispensable tool in dispensing a range of hot and cold drink. But now due to new technology the life of the paper cup is coming to an end. Now we have new ways of making disposable cups that do not necessitate the destruction of trees that are currently used in the making of the cupboard . These new cups are either made from sugar cane waste or bamboo and they look and feel exactly the same as a paper cup , but environmentally they are far better than the paper cup as they are 100% compostable.
This new technology is in its infancy but it is the future of disposable cups and it goes a long way to helping the environment.

Compostable Disposable Cups

The use of disposable and single use products in the market place is exploding, due to our increase in coffee consumption, especially in the Out Of Home environment. Additionally, with the increasing awareness of plastic pollution the use of cups that are environmental friendly has also taken on a new meaning. Our focus is to supply a complete range of compostable disposable coffee cups , so as to ensure that we protect the environment by reducing the amount of carbon produced during production, to use less precious wood stock and have zero plastic in the cups. Our new range of cups being introduced this year are made from 100% bamboo, so no trees are used in the manufacturing. They also have no plastic lining, another positive step environmentally and they can be put directly into the green bin after use or the food recycling bin so they will not end up in the landfill. All great steps forward in saving the environment. This new range conforms to the standard EN13432 for compostability. If you require any more details on this one range just call us on 01223 655449

Disposable Biodegradable Paper Cups

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